血液型: O型
星座: 魚座
言語: 日本語・英語
特技: 日舞(名取)日本人の父とアメリカ人の母を持つ日米のハーフ。父親はもともと音楽家で幼い頃から音楽の中で育ち、自然と音楽と英語の基礎を学ぶ。やがて父の音楽活動にゲ スト参加するうちに、花世の中で才能が開花し始める。そして自ら作詞、作曲活動に目覚める、高校、大学と彼女の育ったシアトルであらゆる音楽ジャンルに影 響を受けながら、その独特のスタイルを身に付けていく。その伸びやかで透き通る歌声は、聞くもの全てを優しく丁寧に包み込む力を持っている。そんな花世の 美しさと優しさにあふれた歌声を聞いた「S.E.N.S」(ヒーリング系トップアーティスト、楽曲はInstrumental)の耳に止まり、その伸びや かで透き通る声、声質やイメージを存分に発揮し、作詞をして見事なまでの歌唱力で楽曲に再度、生命を吹き込むことに成功している。花世の愛と透明感あふれ るスピリチャルな歌声は国境を越え人々にワンネスな心を魅了し続けます。現在は音楽が持つヒーリングの力を研究しながら、作詞、作曲、ライブ活動を行って いる。「音楽は波動であり。人々の心に直接入ることが出来る素晴らしいヒーリングツールである。」■花世 Discographyはこちら
■花世 Official Siteはこちら
newアルバム「いのちのよろこび」 - 好評発売中!
3.Santa Maria
Birthdate: 2/19/1981
Birthplace: Japan
Sun Sign: Pisces
Languages: Japanese/English
Special Skills: Japanese Traditional Dance
College: Berklee College of Music, Boston MA
High School: Tabor Academy, Marion MA
With a father who is Japanese and a mother who is American, Hanayo naturally learned both English and Japanese at the same time. Her father being a musician, she was brought up in a musical environment, which led her interest in singing. She was involved in many musical activities in many areas and genres in high school and in college, and later when she was back in Tokyo, started to be involved with projects with her father and friends, including the release of “Water Song,” a collaboration with Dr. Masaru Emoto, which is released both in Japan and the U.S. (http://www.hado.net/). Her lyrics and her soothing angelic voice envelopes many listeners.
Last year, her voice was heard by S.E.N.S. (Sound Earth Nature Spirit), an Instrumental Japanese top artist in the healing genre, who believed that she could be trusted to put lyrics to their music. With the back up from S.E.N.S. Company, it was decided that she will put lyrics to their songs. S.E.N.S.’s song, “Remembering Me” was used in the Korean Drama, “Beautiful Days,” which became very popular in Japan. Therefore the new song “I’m Remembering Me” was born with Hanayo’s Lyrics. In March of 2005, she marked her debut from the label United Asia Entertainment, coupled by “This Forbidden Love” another hit Drama song of S.E.N.S. This could happen because she has the ability to keep the magnificence of an instrumental sound, and to bring “Life” into the song with her voice. Her lyrics which are mostly in English, expresses love and many spiritual aspects, where the listener can hear her purpose to spread the notion of oneness in light, without boarders.